Expert Briefing: Environmental Risks, Cleanup & Risk Managment

By Bay Planning Coalition (other events)

Tuesday, February 16 2016 11:00 AM 1:30 PM PST

Environmental Risks, Solutions and Redevelopment.

Presenters: Jim Vetter (Marsh USA), Fred Blickle (GHD)

The Bay area has significant redevelopment potential as growth continues to explode and expand. Due to the long history of commercial and industrial activity, there are residual environmental risks associated with the land in the San Francisco Bay area..  These risks can pose a challenge to operating businesses and also companies seeking to facilitate land redevelopment.  There are however solutions to successfully address environmental risks and costs associated with a) known pollution issues and b) uncertainty associated with pre-existing pollution conditions that may be present but not currently known.   This panel will help property owners, developers and other stakeholders understand the risks and solutions associated with historically contaminated properties.  The panel will cover the following topics.

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