Expert Briefing: Using a Programmatic Permitting Approach to Move Through the Corps’ Regulatory Process On Time and Under Budget

By Bay Planning Coalition (other events)

Monday, June 6 2016 11:30 AM 1:30 PM PST

Waterfront infrastructure repair and development projects in the Bay Area are regionally important and present unique regulatory and ecological challenges, particularly as policies continue to change and evolve. To address permitting challenges Regulatory Agencies are using a Programmatic Permitting approach. Programmatic permitting helps regulatory agencies, as well as cities, counties, and private developers increase the efficiency of regulatory permitting for projects with impacts to federal and state aquatic resources. This workshop will allow participants to learn about programmatic permitting opportunities in and around San Francisco Bay, based on lessons learned from similar-scale projects in Northern California. This is an opportunity to understand the benefits of programmatic permitting processes and to collaborate with other waterfront colleagues on potential opportunities for a less costly, more efficient permit review process.


Topics include:

  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Letters of Permission (LOPs) and Regional General Permits (RGPs)
  • Programmatic Section 7 Consultations
  • In-Lieu Fee Programs

Mailing Address

1970 Broadway, Suite 940 Oakland, CA 94612